Welcome to the new web home of Hot Lips and Fingertips!!!

Yes — we’re the same band you remember from 1974 through the early 1980s, playing to standing-room-only crowds at O’Mahoney’s Irish Whip in Santa Monica, Ca. You may remember the owners George and Evelyn Mears, and the wonderful staff including our favorite waitress Pattie, and our incredible Scottish bartender, Gracie.

Well, we’ve been hard to find lately because another band stole our URL (hotlipsandfingertips.com) several years ago when we thought we wouldn’t need a web-site ever again. But we were wrong, and they won’t give it back, so now we have this new URL (therealhotlipsandfingertips.com or hotlipsandfingertips.band, if you prefer). Accept no imitations. We are the ORIGINAL and REAL Hot Lips and Fingertips.

We have a performance coming up on October 21st., 2023 at Gary Mandel’s Boulevard Music. (You can see the details on our Home page as well as our Event Schedule page. We may have the opportunity to play other gigs in the future, so please stay tuned!

Anyway, enjoy our new site. Feel free to comment and say hello. All of our recordings are available on the site to stream if you like. Let us know how you know us and any anecdotes you may want to share with the band.

We’re very excited to reacquaint ourselves with our old fans, and make some new ones, so don’t be shy. Say HI!

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